This is always subject to alteration, I am a very flexible person with my daily routines. I like having structure to guide me, but not confine me.
I 100% guarantee that I will NEVER be able to actually do all of this, there just isn't enough time while tending to both kids all day as well, but it gives me something to aim for.
Dave is going to disable certain websites during the day on weekdays (at my request) so I won't be able to distract myself.
Morning/Day Routine (doesn't have to be in this particular order)
-Up early, normally between 6:30 and 7:30
-Daily Bible passage
-Exercise & stretching (if I have time or especially if we're not planning on going out and getting exercise)
-Gideon nursed, diaper changed and dressed
-Breakfast for Judith and I
-Bathing; Mon/Wed/Fri-Judith, Tues/Thurs/Sat-Me, Wed/Sun-Gideon
-Judith dressed after breakfast (since she always gets food on her clothes)
-Blinds open (so lights can be off all day)
-Feed Fishy & Dragon
-15 minutes of de-cluttering
-Daily chore started/done
-Judith nap (nap with her when possible, if Gideon is asleep too)
-Go to park/for walk if no activity planned (min. half hour)
-15 minutes "academics" with Judith (numbers, letters, etc)
-15 minutes "arts/music" with Judith
Evening Routine
-Feed Gideon his cereal before starting supper
-Supper at or close to 6:30, even if Dave isn't home yet (in that case make plate for him to have when he arrives)
-Clean up after supper and organize kitchen while Dave showers
-Close blinds (I have to write this down so I remember, we live in a basement apartment so if the blinds are open everyone walking by can see in clearly)
-Half hour to hour of computer time (read: ME TIME), or hang out with Dave, or read
-Nurse Gideon, put his pj's & night time diaper on & put him to bed (before Judith goes to bed)
-Tidy up house, spot sweep if necessary (if time, if not do it after Judith's asleep)
-Judith & I teeth brushed (wipe bathroom sink & counter & swish toilet) & pj's on & tidy kids room
-Read a book, pray and lie down with Judith by 9 (Dave or I, whoever is free and willing)
-Try to be in bed myself by 10 or 11
Weekly Chore/Activity Schedule
-Groceries & SPUD order
-Clothing laundry
-Diaper laundry
-Fold & put laundry away
-JLYS (volunteering)
-Tidy & vacuum bedrooms
-Vacuum front stairs
-Cardel Place free gym (every 2nd week, alt. weeks with Epic mom's group)
-Thorough sweep of all floors
-Mop all floors, bleach bathroom & kitchen floors every 2nd week
-Sweep & mop laundry area 1x a month
-AP playgroup (if up for it)
-Large projects/seasonal chores/general organizing & tidying/errands
-Epic mom's group every 2nd week
-Towels & sheets laundry (alt. our bed & kids beds weekly)
-Diaper laundry
-Make up bed(s) and put away clean towels & diapers
-Clean bathroom
-Catch up with blogs and facebook
-REST day! (unless something is planned, then Sunday will be rest day)
-Family music/worship night (maybe some day will invite friends too)
-Church if/when it's on (our church doesn't meet every week)
-some kind of family activity
-Catch up on any chores I missed during the week
-Meal plans for following week
Seasonal Chores (1x every 3 months)
-Wash windows (except winter)
-Wash all mats
-Wash blankets, douvet, throws, etc.
-Wash walls
-Wash out fridge
-Wash toys if nec.
-Wash couch cushion covers
-Organize pantry & cupboards
-Organize closets & kids' dresser if nec., do clothing inventories, see what's needed for upcoming season
-Take in recycling and organize back storage room
Thus, we embark on a new season...
1 comment:
Wow Kelly, This is really helpful! I really struggle with routine but i think it would be great to borrow some of yours. Thanks for sharing.
Jess (Graphite)
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