Friday, May 7, 2010

Judith Making Ruthie Laugh

Sorry that I have been MIA yet again. SOME day I will get back on the posting-consistently bandwagon. You know, when life calms down and gets easy again, haha.

Anyway, here is a cute video we took a couple weeks ago. We took it on the iMac webcam, that's my excuse for looking like a dork staring at the camera, I was actually watching it on the screen.



Elizabeth said...

What a cute video! Your kids are adorable, Kelly.

Grace@ MammaInTheScene said...

ha ha! that is so great!
that's something I look forward to with this one!^_^

Graceful Oven said...

Clara and I watched this video a few times it. I love how judith keeps trying new things that will make her laugh:)