The wipe solution I use is simply a drop of a natural baby soap, about 10 drops of calendula tincture, and 3 or 4 drops of tea tree oil and water in a little spray bottle. I keep the wipes dry, and then when it's changing time I simply spray a few times on to the wipe, and wipe! Or if it's a really messy poop, I will spray the bum as well. Gideon, however, is not impressed when I spray his man parts, lol.

If there are solid poops in the diaper, I flick them off into the toilet (using a wipe). You can also purchase a "toilet shower", which I've heard is great, but I haven't tried yet.

It is recommended that you have 24-36 diapers on hand per child that needs them (so if you have 2 kids in diapers, you will need double that). I have gotten by just fine for the last few months using only 18 though, I now have 24, and I have never run out or needed to supplement with disposables.

I have a front-loading machine, and I first do a regular cold wash with 1/2 the normal amount of detergent, then a hot "power wash" with 1/4 the detergent, and and extra cold rinse, just to get all of the suds out. If there are still suds in the rinse cycle, then I do another full wash cycle with no detergent.

Going out and about with a cloth-diapered baby is simple too. I actually think it's easier because I don't have to worry about finding a garbage can. I just bring a few clean diapers (I prefer pocket diapers and AIO's for going out), some wipes, my spray bottle, and my super-cute wetbag (to put the dirty diapers and wipes in) along with me.

However, if you are crafty, there are TONS of free patterns online to sew your own prefold or fitted diapers, which you could make with fabric scraps, and then partner those with wool covers made from old sweaters, and you'd be uber cheap!

Now, for the cloth diaper enthusiasts out there, here is my stash!
Right now I primarily use pocket diapers.

I have 14 BumGenius One-Size diapers (they adjust to fit an average baby from birth to potty training). These are my favourite. I got them from The Mom and Baby Boutique. I like this design the best out of all the pocket diapers (I did A LOT of research and tried several diapers before I decided which ones to invest in). They work very well, and I like that they come with a doubler (Gideon needs it), and are an adjustable size, making them very economical. The only downside is the Aplix (Velcro). Now, I like the Aplix, I find it easier than snaps, but I have heard from many people that it wears out and then the diapers fall off easily. I have had my BG's for 6 months now, and the Aplix are still fine and work well, possibly because the front-loader machines are gentler, and I hang them to dry. But I will be very disappointed if I am not able to use these diapers for all of my future children due to the Aplix. If these diapers only had snaps, I think they would be the ultimate diaper bliss for me.

I also just received 6 Large Fuzzi Bunz in the mail. I got these from my friend's store, ecobabycanada.ca, and am very excited about them. They are SO SOFT! I wish I could have underwear this soft, lol. I got them mostly because they are my favourite snap closure diaper. Gideon is getting good at taking off the Aplix diapers, so the snaps will be better for keeping them on if ever he is just wearing a diaper. Also, Gideon is a very chubby boy, and I am almost afraid that he will outgrow his BG's. His butt crack shows in them. They actually fit Judith better than they fit Gideon! So I decided to get some Large FB's, and they fit Gideon nicely. They are a tad big around the legs, but we have had no leaks so that's great. I put one of Gideon's old prefolds in each diaper as well as the insert that comes with the diapers, because I find that the FB insert isn't enough, Gideon is a very heavy wetter.

For Gideon's first 6 months I used prefolds, Snappis and covers when we were at home.

There are several different ways to fold prefold diapers, and they are really simple. They are also nice because they wash up really well, and are fairly easy to dry. They are also the cheapest way to go, I believe (besides making your own from recycled materials).
I also have several random fitted diapers.

These have mostly been given to me, and I use them as back-ups. They are all currently living in the kids' closet, because honestly, I don't ever need them. But they're there "in case". I did use a few regularly when Gideon was younger, I liked the Sandy's Motherease bamboo fitteds the best, and also the rainbow Muttigan 3-step-rise, but none of those fit him anymore.
I have other random PUL, wool, and fleece covers too.

The PUL ones have all been given to me, and I have a couple wool and fleece wraps. Wool is actually a wonderful fiber for covers because it is breathable, and also absorbent. They aren't 100% waterproof, but when urine gets on it, the lanolin actually turns it to soap, so it is sterile, and it also can hold 30% of it's own weight in moisture, and allows moisture to evaporate. Wool can be expensive, though, and must be washed by hand with special soap. But it only needs to be washed when soiled, if wool is wet it just needs to air dry and it is clean and good to go again. Fleece is breathable and water-resistant too. You can also get wool or fleece pants/shorts/skirts that are clothing as well as diaper covers, and I must say are extremely cute!

If you are interested in cloth diapering, but don't know much about it, I'd recommend going to diaperswappers.com and looking around. What I did was browse the for-sale-or-trade listings and went through tons of posts, looking at the photos and getting myself oriented with the different kinds of diapers available. Then I went to the chat boards and asked lots of questions. There are tons of lovely and helpful mamas there just waiting to impart their wisdom with you! I also bought several different diapers from DS, and that is how I was able to decide which ones I liked best before I bought a large quantity of new ones.
Happy diapering!