Thursday, January 7, 2010

1000 Gifts: 121 - 140

It's about time I started this again!

121 - A most wonderful birth experience.

122 - Mountains of confidence and self-esteem from the birth experience.

123 - My beautiful little Ruthie.

124 - A quick recovery.

125 - A freezer full of dinners that lasted several weeks!

126 - No milk supply or breastfeeding issues.

127 - Fitting into my pre-pregnancy clothes at 2 weeks postpartum. =)

128 - 2 week babymoon full of rest and bonding, not worrying about the house, meals or older kids thanks to my mom.

129 - A smooth transition to big-brotherhood for Gideon with no signs of jealousy.

130 - Co-sleeping with Ruthie, it's so sweet and she sleeps so well!

131 - A few random successes with elimination communication.

132 - A husband who likes to babywear!

133 - Getting help from Dave with bed time for the older kids.

134 - Judith's excitement about Christmas and all of the presents from all the grandparents.

135 - Staying way under my Christmas budget, while getting more gifts for the kids than I anticipated (thanks to kijiji).


137 - Quiet, laid-back holidays.

138 - Junk food and a family movie night for New Years.

139 - Newborn prefolds, they're so cute AND are so much better at containing poops than disposables!

140 - Finding so much joy in being a mom of 3. My kids are so awesome and beautiful. I'm so blessed!

1 comment:

  1. wait you're ECing with Ruthie?! you must. blog. about. this.
    Thank you.

    and b. you look tough with that tattoo and a little baby. ^_^
