Saturday, September 5, 2009

Back Home

We arrived back home from our vacation Tuesday night. We had a great time away, and I am very excited to know that my kids are fantastic travelers. They were awesome on the plane even though it was a red-eye, were happy despite getting very little sleep, and were excited to experience new things and meet new people every day. We drove over 3000 kms while on our trip, and the kids were great then too. We drove from London (ON) to Ottawa to Algonquin Park to Manitoulin Island to Tobermory (we took the ferry!) to Strathroy and then flew back out of London. So basically it was just a huge loop around the southern half of Ontario. Our longest drive in one day was 7.5 hours, but we had a lot of fun so it wasn't stressful at all. We also did some camping, and the kids loved that too! I will hopefully get around to posting some photos soon.

I still have a lot of unpacking to do, and we have been busy since we got home! We arrived back home at 11pm Tuesday night (the kids were awesome on the plane again), and then Dave had to work early and I had a midwife appointment Wednesday morning. The kids have been a little cranky since getting back, as they don't have any space to run around anymore or new people to play with all the time. I really hope that we can move this fall to a house that has a backyard, but we will see. We may not be able to afford to, but honestly this place is killing my mental health.

Anyways, hopefully I will be able to get back to my regular posting next week!

1 comment:

  1. I am glad you are home! :-) Can't wait to hear all about your trip...and of course pictures! I bet the litles have grown so much!
