Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Homeschooling Resources
I have been looking into homeschooling information the last few days. I came across a local magazine for homeschoolers and it really sparked my interest. Apparently this city is the best place in Canada as far as homeschooling support and resources.
I read an article in Mothering magazine a while back on homeschooling/unschooling and it really excited me. I'm still somewhat unsure of myself and my ability to adequately equip my children for higher education down the road, but everyone I have talked to who homeschools has given me much encouragement. I still have a couple years to decide, although Dave has made it clear that he would prefer our kids to be homeschooled.
From what I've learned through websites and forums, socialization really isn't an issue with homeschooling these days, as there are so many opportunities for kids to get together and participate in activities and hang out. We are planning on getting Judith involved with dance and/or gymnastics this fall, and she already has several little friends from our attachment parenting and church communities (some of whom will also be homeschooled).
I don't know yet if I would purchase curriculum or do it on my own, but here are a few websites I have found recently. I am posting them mostly for myself so I don't lose them, but maybe someone else out there will find them useful too.
Homeschool For Free
Teach Your Kids Online
Beginning Homeschooling
The Miller Family Homeschool
Christopherus Homeschool Resource
I also was given the books Homeschool Your Child For Free, The Big Book of Home Learning: Getting Started, and The Big Book of Home Learning: Preschool and Elementary.
I guess that's a good start, eh?
If anyone has any other great resources please let me know. I definitely want to be prepared if I do embark on this adventure. I also need to build up some more confidence for when I discuss the possibility of homeschooling with people who oppose the idea. I'm not so good at defending myself...
I've been learning a lot about homeschooling lately....well unschooling. I think at least for the first few years, I'm totally on board. thanks for the resources! they are great!!!